Cookies. A simple, two-syllable word that provides a moment to remember the past, savor the present, and dream of the future. The best conversations and the best celebrations take place around food. It’s from this understanding and years of family and friends adoring her homemade cookies, that has led Heather Matheson to creating Peace, Love, and Cookies. A child of the 70’s, the aptly named Peace Love and Cookies is a tip of the hat to the music and generation she’s a part of. Providing many varieties from "Here Comes the Sun" lemon bars to "Whole Lotta Love" chocolate chip cookies, she makes sure there is something delightful for everyone. In this fast-paced society, we don't always have time to bake for ourselves. Baked fresh and delivered same day, she is providing homemade cookies to the doorsteps of homes and businesses in the Tulsa area.
Welcome to Peace Love and Cookies! Home-made Treats Baked with Love
in the Women in Recovery Kitchen and Delivered Same Day.
When customers see the unique, colorful packaging, they will know they are recieving something special.
Every Bite Gives Hope
Besides baking delicious cookies, Heather is dedicated to making a difference within the community. Partnering with Family and Children's Services’ Women in Recovery (WIR) Program, an intensive outpatient program that serves as an alternative to prison for nonviolent female offenders in Tulsa County, Heather is generously donating 10% of all sales to WIR. In addition to raising funds for WIR, the partnership is providing the women an opportunity to learn about running a business and culinary skills. When customers receive their colorfully wrapped order they will not only be receiving delicious cookies, they will be supporting the community.
To learn more about WIR, visit https://www.fcsok.org/services/women-in-recovery/.